Mental Illness

Mental illness has only came to the public's attention in the past 20 years or so. Before that it wasn't considered an illness as you cannot physically see it, like a broken arm for instance. Many people, even now still have that view upon it. Which in a lot of ways is very understandable. If you haven't been through it or know someone close to you who has then chances are you won't know a lot about it and will give it the ignorant approach.

This is really sad and needs to change in the next few years. If people don't recognize that others are mentally ill, then it could be life threatening. Being mentally ill is very serious and impacts your emotions and how you treat others. This is devastating for the person and others close to that person. I don't think mental illness is being taken serious enough by anyone. It is only in the public eye when somebody has committed suicide or died from a mental illness and even then it soon disappears when the story gets old. People need to be educated on it before we bring up a generation of children who are mentally ill and have no idea where to go or get help.

So, If you're affected by a mental illness then please get help before it gets out of control. You can visit the NHS website which offers places to go for support ( ). Additionally you can visit the MIND website which would do the same (  ). You could also visit your local GP/doctor. There is help out there so please use it.

If you know someone close to who suffers from a mental illness, then just talk to them about it. But be patient and understanding that it will be hard for them. Depending on how close the trust is between the two of you, even try persuading them to get support. But be careful as it could push them on edge and further away from help.

If you want to know more about mental illness then go on the websites above or ask me any questions you'd like. I just really want this problem sorted and I think if we take small steps at a time then it can be resolved.


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