Missing people

In the past few months I have realized that as you grow up you lose a lot of people from your life who once meant so much to you. I have experienced this a lot, but especially since going to a different college to most of my closest friends. I have also became aware of the different types of missing someone I have experienced. So I wanted to write this post so you can hopefully relate it to your life and it may help you soothe the pain of missing somebody.

The first one which i think is the most common is drifting from friends who you were once close to. As you change and grow up, you'll lose so many friends due to just not seeing them anymore or not having the same interests. I think this is completely healthy and essential, otherwise you'll have the same set of friends forever, which could get boring. As painful as it may seem at the time, if you two wee meant to stay friends for a longer period in time you'd have found a way to stay connected. Recently I have experienced this and I've just learnt to accept that if they valued our friendship like I did then they would put effort in too.

Next, the missing of someone who lives in another part of England or over the other side of the world where distance is a main factor. Whether this is family member, boyfriend, friend or best friend it will be painful being apart and your natural instinct will be to miss them. This one isn't as common as people tend to know people that live near by, but obviously close friends could move. I've had two best friends move away from me. One moved to the other side of England and the other to America. Not a day goes by that I don't wish they lived a lot closer because there are always times where i want to share a memory or need their support. But they are still both the closest people to my heart, no matter the distance in person. It is still possible to keep that spark in the friendship alive, just long distance. On the plus side If you get the chance to go visit them it'll be a new adventure to embark on.

Lastly, missing someone who isn't alive and has sadly passed on. This will be the hardest I think as there is such a huge chance you won't see them again until you die too (This varies on your beliefs obviously). It could have also been sudden so you may not have shared all the memory's you'd have liked too, which would make it harder to accept they've gone. Due to our human instinct to miss something we've grown attached too we will miss them no matter how much we try to deny it. But i think that missing someone is just a sign that you care/cared about them enough to want them in your present and future. Now nothing I say will make this kind of missing any easier or go away, but what i can is try and make them proud with everything you do and they will return the favor by protecting you.

p.s. This post doesn't particularly have a purpose, but I wrote it because I'm currently missing a few people in my life and know others are too, so I hope this is some sort of comfort. 


  1. Helped a lot, thank you,

    From your friend in Wales...


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