The future....
Recently I have been putting a lot of thought into my future and what I want to achieve. Whether that be next year or in five years, I have a pretty strong idea of what I want to do. So I have planned out exactly what I want to do as a carer, the places i want to travel to and where I want to go to university etc. Now this may sound like I'm in an ideal situation, but trust me I'm not. I may sound really organised, but I couldn't be more unprepared. Right, so seeing as I have no idea what could happen tomorrow, I certainly have no idea what could happen in a few months time either. Virtually anything could unexpectedly prop up in my life, which could affect any one of my plans. So this means that a part/all my future plans could go down the drain. This will then leave me not knowing what I'm meant to do with my life. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't stay focused on one life plan because it will leave you devastated if that doesn't go ahead. Try ...