
Showing posts from January, 2015

A little post to say.... THANKYOU.

A 'thank you' can be said in many different ways and can take 5 seconds or a whole day to prove the worth to someone. But i reckon we all over complicate the simple phrase that can mean so much to someone. If you just tell the person that you're grateful for them and what they have done then that would probably mean more than any fancy gift. So here's my own personal thank you expressed in the way i speak best, by a blog post. These past few months have been very hard for me and it's brought me to many points where i didn't think i could handle much more going wrong. But then I had these awesome people behind me, supporting me and telling me to never give up on trying to be happy. These people are my friends and family, who i greatly appreciate. Whether they knew the whole story of why i was upset or they knew next to nothing they all went out their way to make sure i was feeling supported and happy. They didn't have to go out of their own way, but they di...

Mental Illness

Mental illness has only came to the public's attention in the past 20 years or so. Before that it wasn't considered an illness as you cannot physically see it, like a broken arm for instance. Many people, even now still have that view upon it. Which in a lot of ways is very understandable. If you haven't been through it or know someone close to you who has then chances are you won't know a lot about it and will give it the ignorant approach. This is really sad and needs to change in the next few years. If people don't recognize that others are mentally ill, then it could be life threatening. Being mentally ill is very serious and impacts your emotions and how you treat others. This is devastating for the person and others close to that person. I don't think mental illness is being taken serious enough by anyone. It is only in the public eye when somebody has committed suicide or died from a mental illness and even then it soon disappears when the story gets o...